VIA training and information days
VIA offers low cost, informal information and training workshops on a variety of subjects. Those planned for the next few months will be held in London, starting at 10.00am and ending at 4.00pm. Tea/coffee and lunch are included. Standard rate for each day is £ 50 but contact the VIA office for discounts on multiple bookings and special rates for low waged/unwaged people.
Events over the next 6 months include -
- Gentle Teaching______________________________5th December 1995
Led by Elinor Harbridge - Are the people you care for fully involved in life, or exercising choice in a way that leaves them isolated? Are they models of good behaviour but not really happy? Getting the balance right between leadership and fairness is one of the primary skills of Gentle Teaching. This study day will explore how the ideas used to help people with challenging behaviour can be applied in everyday situations.
- Normalisation in the 90's_____________________25 January 1996
Led by Helen Langley and Jeff Rowland - The aim of the workshop is to re-affirm that disadvantaged people have the same fundamental rights as other citizens and should enjoy the same patterns and conditions of life as others. It will include opportunities for participants to consider how the 'Five Accomplishments' may be included in work practice and how difficult issues or obstacles may be resolved.
- Helpful Interactions________________________March 1996
Led by Steve Dowson - Services put a great deal of energy into promoting participation, self advocacy and empowerrnent. But they won't make much difference if staff signal, by the way they talk to service users, that users have nothing worthwhile to say. This event promotes a framework to identify different ways for interacting with other people more effectively and appropriately.
Major UK conference
Individualised Funding and people with learning difficulties.
VIA is planning a major UK conference on March 1st, in London, to discuss the development of methods of funding services which hand over the control to the service user. At a time when national UK policy development is moving closer to enabling disabled people to buy their own services through direct payments, the conference will be looking at how this positive trend can be supported and extended to include more people who have learning difficulties.
For more infomation on any of the above, contact VIA's London office.

Page last updated 20/11/95